In 1995 a serial killer prowled the streets of Pinetown, KwaZulu-Natal. He would take the lives of two teenage girls and leave two other young women traumatised before seemingly disappearing into thin air. Dubbed the River Strangler for his choice of location for his horrendous crimes, this killer has managed to escape justice for almost 25 years despite the most highly qualified profilers and investigators doggedly working the case.
Teenagers Kim Bodington and Kate Willy had their lives cut short in the worst imaginable way, but their memories have lived on in the hearts of those who loved and knew them. In this episode, we seek to give them back their voices.
I first heard about this case while reading one of Micki Pistorius’ books. She included a brief synopsis on the case as she had been called in to profile the offender along with Elmarie Myburgh. The idea that a serial killer who had committed such vicious acts was possibly still roaming South Africa haunted me as did the fact that two young girls as well as two surviving victims, did not get the justice they deserved.
Sources: Strangers on the Street, by Micki Pistorius
Host: Nicole Engelbrecht
Producer: Nicole Englebrecht
Music: Snippet from Prime Circle’s
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