south africa

The Serial Crimes of Cameron Wilson (Bonus Interview with Prof. Britton) Ep 103

When 18-year-old Lekita Moore was found murdered in Valhalla Park, the route to her killer was pretty direct. It would be all of the revelations that spilled over after the arrest of Cameron Wilson, though, that would soon underpin the true horror of what had happened on the Cape Flats over preceding two years Western

The Serial Crimes of Cameron Wilson (Bonus Interview with Prof. Britton) Ep 103 Read More »

A Pyramid of Death the Multiple Crimes of Herman Pretorius – Episode 101

When successful investment guru Herman Pretorius walked into the Icon office building in Cape Town in July 2012, he had only one thing on his mind: escape. His death and the murder of his partner would seemingly provide the way out he had so desperately sought, but for thousands of other South Africans, it was

A Pyramid of Death the Multiple Crimes of Herman Pretorius – Episode 101 Read More »

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